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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Youth MOVE call notes Jan 2010!

1-13-10 Conference Call notes

Elizabeth and McHenry County Youth Council -Crystal Lake, IL
Youth Move: all over the country providing support to young people all over IL. There are limited organizations to help youth with mental health challenges. There can be resources and solutions to different issues that can be shared through youth move. Young people are able to communicate and share stories and resources. ALL the communities are working together.
There is an application on the blog with a series of questions that each community can answer. The community applications can be combined to make a state wide application.
Email answers to the questions by February 10, 2010.
Any young people that want to be apart of this can be. They can go to the blog/FB page and get involved. Invite as many young people as you would like.
2 upcoming conferences: Northern IL-April 24, 2010 Champaign- date unknown
April 24- young people putting on session for other young people. It is a family conference with a “youth move” chapter beginning. Different types of sessions will be held.
Next conference call will be on February 10, 2010.

Raphaelle Richardson-Chicago, Illinois
RE-CAP of Dec call: There were 28 youth from Chicago, St Clair, McHenry County, and Champaign were all represented the last time. Some barriers youth face-bullying, violence, peer pressure, living environment, not enough recreational things, not enough support groups, prejudice against other ethnicity, body types and sexuality, lack of jobs. Good idea to get more youth involved…
The goal of Youth Move: It is a lot easier in the fight if others are fighting with you.
Raphael, with young-people will be making the FB page and the link will be on the blog.

MG-St. Clair, Southern
-good high school with good teachers but there are drug problems in the school. There is some occasional bullying that M doesn’t witness.
-Q: Do you know what Youth Move is?-the youth’s part of stepping up in the community.
-Possible topic for workshop in conference-----“Before I had my twins, I didn’t know a whole lot about sexual education other than what I learned in school. What I did learn in school wasn’t as helpful as it would seem to be. I think all teens need to learn about this.” Young people giving this session would be more effective.

V with peer ambassadors + 11 youth-Champaign, IL
For communication: Facebook has events and this can be used. Create a Facebook group and people can join it. Put the Facebook link on the blog and keep the blog.
Another peer ambassador: The males are trying to motivate other males to be apart of peer ambassadors.

T.-Peoria, Illinois
--TOPIC IDEA: Institutionalization, or group homes. – Maybe talk about how the school system is set up along with the group home. How to live easier in a group home. How to cope with the rules with a group home.

S.- Chicago, Illinois (west side)
L.- Chicago, IL
-sharing your “testimony” or “story” is important.

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